Part 14: Wherein a Slight Feeling of Déjà Vu Sets In
Chapter 9: Wherein a Slight Feeling of Déjà Vu Sets InLast time, Malcolm returned to the land of the living, got reacquainted with his good conscience Stewart, and was told to go back to the Isle of Cats to get some jewels. Again. To that end, we arranged for a pegasus potion and took right off.

Music: Isle of Cats
Well, here we are again on the Isle of Cats, on the beach where we first hired those treacherous pirates. It's night time here, too, and the pirates as well as all the dogs are gone. Sitting right behind us on the sand is our old trusty friend the machete.

Unfortunately we seem to have lost the rest of our inventory in transit again, so the machete is all we've got. We're going to need it - the dog with the cart is long gone, so if we want to get anywhere on the isle we're going to have to go through the jungle again.

The jungle works the same way as it did last time, except now it's all blue and dark. We're not getting anywhere unless we clear the room of underbrush, and it grows back when we leave the room. None of the cardinal directions make any sense, so you're still going to get lost unless you memorized all the connections.

Naturally, I didn't, so I spend the next ten minutes getting lost.

Oh, and the snake piles are back, too.

For some reason, so are the random bones, but we have no use for those anymore so I'm just going to ignore them.

After a little while, we stumble on the old dog fort. The dogs are gone, and there's a new structure in their place.

We can go inside if we want, but there's not much reason to. At least it's lit up now.
The Hieroglyphic Room is intact as well. Since we're done with the whole elements puzzle, we don't get any more hints by clicking on the cat idols, but Malcolm does comment on what he thinks they're called.

The game misspells his name, but René Belloq is of course the primary antagonist in Raiders of the Lost Ark. There's nothing else for us to do here, so back to the jungle we go.

The jungle is the same on this side, too.

After a few more minutes of hacking the jungle to shreds, we run across another old pal!

The cycle of revolutions never ends, does it. We don't really care though, we're here for the altar of cats (which is actually nearby).

How ironic, but I don't see what that has to do with me.

Ffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuucccckk yooooouuuu.

So yeah, hey, remember how last time we were here the game made us grind for goddamn bones in the jungle forever and ever so we could get that dog to dig up jewels for us? The game designers, in their magnanimous genius, decided that a great puzzle for the final act of the game would be to make us do all that again! Doesn't that just sound like great fun?

Like before, we can spend our time bumbling around the jungle cutting down bushes and looking for bones that way.

There is another way, though, assuming we can first bumble our way back to the Dog Fort. We can use the machete on the ground here.

That is the dorkiest digging animation I've ever seen, but the good news is we managed to unearth one of the bones Duke buried way back several years ago when we were here last! The bad news is there are some 20-odd spots we can dig up on this screen, and not all of them have bones buried in them.

All in all I pick up five bones here and five from the jungle, for a full complement of ten. From there on, it's just a matter of rampaging randomly through the jungle until we find our way back to Fluffy again.

And then slowly, painfully picking up and dropping all those bones on him, watching the slow-ass inventory animation each time.

At last, our hard work pays off. What wondrous artifact might we be getting for our trouble?

It's... what the heck is that? The inventory calls it a Cheese-Maker.

Fluffy refuses to give us any more information on this thing, so I guess all we can do is give it a go.

Ta-da! One chunk of mystery cheese. Why do we want cheese, again? We're here for jewels, man. I guess we'll have to trust the weird feline revolutionary and head over the colossus and give it a go.

The monument is not far from Fluffy's location. The game is kind of freaking out here for some reason and decided to layer the mouse statue behind the cat statues that are supposed to be in the back. At least this bug is only visual.

Nothing to do but to try smushing some cheese against that mouse statue that's totally there in the middle.

How, exactly?

Strangely, that had exactly the desired effect. The cat idols turn back into weird mud balls, and all the jewels fall out, ready to be picked up. We're halfway done - all we need now is to find a way back to Kyrandia.

You're not making any sense, cat man. One... whiff?

What are we, garbage collectors? Actually, considering the amount of digging through trash heaps we've done in this game, that's not an entirely unfair description.

Okay, game, whatever you say. Somehow that worked - we have returned to Kyrandia, jewels in tow.

All we have to do is give the jewels to the pirates and they'll leave us alone, right? Let's have a quick chat with Brandon and Kallak first, though.

Uh, I don't know if "entranced" is the right word here. They've been turned into mice.

Let's just hand them over.

That's one. Repeat five more times, and...

... okay, I'm not surprised the pirates don't actually seem to have any intention of returning the country to us, but I did expect the game to at least, y'know, tell me something new here. I don't know if the scripts are just buggy or what's going on, but the conversation essentially stalls here and none of the pirates will say anything new. So what gives?
Well, there is a puzzle here, and the jewels have nothing to do with it. We need to go retrieve one of the items we lost going to the Isle of Cats first, though.

As is tradition, all our items ended up in the dump after we lost them. For some reason the fish collar isn't in with the rest of the garbage, though. At any rate, it's the item we need to proceed.

Again, the scripting here is really confusing. Clicking anywhere on the screen with the collar in your hand causes Jean-Claude to demand you be searched. I don't know what "rest of the stones" he's referring to, since we already gave him all six of them.

Captain Barbecue seizes the collar from us, at any rate. I guess it is kind of valuable.

And promptly puts it on. Which, as it turns out...

... was a mistake.

We're not done, though. Kyrandia still kind of hates our guts, since they all think we killed King William and all that. Next time, we're going to see about putting and end to that, and the game, for good.